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How to make a Sundae Bar in-a-Box

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To learn how to properly put together a Sundae Bar in a Box catering.

Items needed:

For the Ice Cream

• A complete scoop-station
• 9 oz cups and lids
• Ice cream flavor stickers
• Ice cream (all the different flavors)

For the Toppings and Paper Goods

• Topping stickers
• 16 oz clear deli cups and lids
• All dry toppings
• Waffle wedges
• Fudge and Caramel
• 8 oz Squeeze Bottles
• Black Cocktail Napkins
• Black or White Tea Spoons (not soup spoons)
• Large clear plastic bags (from the deli-side)
• Raffia (strands of corn-husk for tying bags)

For the Packaging

• Sundae Bar in a Box boxes (large and small)
• Crinkle-cut confetti paper
• Box stickers (ice cream and toppings)
• Dry Ice*

Prepping the Ice Cream:

1. Make a breakdown of the different quantities of flavors of ice cream.
2. Check the blue ice cream accordion folder to see if you have enough ice cream stickers for the job. If you don’t, please refer to Printing Ice Cream Stickers for more information.
3. Pre-sticker all lids. (If you try to attach stickers to lids after they have been placed on the ice cream and have gotten cold, the stickers will not stick properly).
4. Scoop the ice cream into the 9 oz cups. The amount should be equivalent to a Large BYO Sundae Bar portion. The ice cream should stick out of the top slightly to when the lid is placed, the lid should touch to form a circle about the size of a silver dollar.
5. Use an ice cream freezer to temporarily store your scooped cups until all the ice cream is complete.
6. Build enough boxes to accommodate the ice cream.

• Large boxes can hold up to 15 cups
    • Small boxes can hold up to 12 cups
Use an appropriate amount of boxes to minimize the amount of empty space.
7. Place the cups neatly into the box with all the labels facing forward and uniformly aligned.
8. Fill in all the empty space with the confetti. The confetti should only be in between the cups and not on top of the cups or hanging out of the edge of the box.

*note: If dry ice is to be packaged with the ice cream, the dry ice needs to be done the day of the delivery, and the box sealed after the dry ice is added.
9. Close the lid of the box, tucking the top-front flap behind the front wall of the box. Use one of the ice cream box stickers to seal the box, placing the sticker over the edge of the top to the front. The logo should be on the top, with the “Sundae Bar in-a-Box” and “Ice Cream” text on the front side.

10. Place the complete box in a reach-in freezer or the walk-in freezer.
*note: Do NOT leave the completed boxes on top of ice cream tubs in the ice cream freezer. The ice cream will melt.
11. Tape the order form to the outside door of the freezer where the boxes are located.

Prepping the Toppings:

1. Pre-sticker the dry topping lids (16oz deli cup lids). The typical set of dry toppings are:
• Gummy Bears
• Oreo Cookies
• Peanuts
• Rainbow Sprinkles
• Chocolate Sprinkles
• Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans
• Maraschino Cherries*
    *If prepping these the day before, Cherries must be kept in a refrigerator overnight.
2. Fill a 16oz deli container for each topping and securely place the lid on.


3. Fill new 8 oz squeeze bottles with the sauces (Fudge and Caramel). Do not place the lid on.
4. Get a piece of plastic wrap and fold it to get a piece 4-thick. Place it over the top of the bottle.
5. Secure the lid onto the bottle with the plastic wrap under it.
6. Using a sharp utility knife, cut the plastic wrap cleanly to where it is flush with the edge of the bottle (not the edge of the lid).

Waffle Wedges and Paper Goods:

7. Place the waffle wedges in a clear plastic bag. Tie off the bag with a piece of raffia in a bow. (Do not tie a double-knot)
8. Place the spoons in a clear plastic bag. Tie off the bag with a piece of raffia in a bow. (Do not tie a double-knot)
9. Place all the toppings, spoons, and cocktail napkins in a box, filling the empty spaces with crinkle paper. Choose an appropriately sized box (or boxes) for the toppings and paper goods.
10. Close the box and seal with a toppings box sticker (similar to how the ice cream boxes are sealed)

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